Wednesday, January 15, 2014

I Finally did it!!!!!

Here I am, I finally did it............Baby I would like you to know your procrastinating beautiful mother has finally done something she said she was going to. I know hold your applause you are way too excited in there.

Today you beautiful little baby are 19 weeks old!! I can't believe you've already been with us for 19 weeks. My prego app says you're the size of a mango!

 That truly blows my mind soon you'll be laying in my arms and I truly can't wait for that moment. Also on a side note I want to know why they measure babies in the womb by food? Come on!! you're dealing with a bunch of pregos who already want to put the entire world in their mouths!!

 Don't taint us even more!! That's just rude!! Sorry back to the main point, your daddy and I can't wait to see your little self. We have a doc appointment on Friday and we are crossing our fingers for an ultrasound! If I don't get one you will probably hear your mother throw a a very large toddler fit talk very calmly and collectively to my lovely midwives! haha!! We just can not wait and neither can any of your very large family! Well i cant wait to tell you how we found out all about the lovely you but you'll have to wait till tomorrow!!
Love you already!!!